As every mother knows (whether working or stay at home mom) the dreaded drop off is usually something new every day - or in my case every morning. The time isn't even the same sometimes I get there on time 7:30 am - others I am a few minutes ahead, but in most cases in the morning i am flying up her driveway at roughly 7:42.
The trip of a long 3 minutes is long enough for Gavin to realize just where he is heading and that mom will not be staying with him when he reaches the sitters house. Olivia is sometimes screaming at the top of her lungs because I have not gotten the last burp out correctly and the bumpiness of the van ride has caused it to make her little belly upset. However there are the other mornings, some mornings the kids remain calm, Gavin singing some tune softly that has been stuck in his head while Olivia doses off to sleep. Today not one of those days.
Today was a sad day - the morning that makes a mother well up with tears in her eyes, the little man hung to my leg as I told the sitter what time Olivia had last ate, and got out her bottles for today and Gavin's breakfast - "hold me mommy" "hold me"
I pick him up and he lays his head down on my shoulder and gives me a hug - wow. The hug only a mother knows... Those two year old hugs are amazing! They just carry so much love, more than their little bodies can hold. I tried to occupy him with the toy train set, breakfast, Olivia, until finally it was time I had to go.
Handed him off to the sitter and headed for the door afraid to turn around as I heard my little man screaming for his mommy.
You and I - we both know he will be fine, and within 2 minutes he was playing and had forgotten all about the traumatic event, playing with the exact train I had been trying to occupy him with earlier and enjoying his morning waffles however. For me - the traumatic event will not be forgotten until at least noon today - as a working mother, I never forget my child's cry and the drop off.