the phone call - the dreaded phone call, you pick up the call longing to talk to the person on the other line just as your two year old is longing to be held "hold me mom" and then followed by " i talk" " i say hi" Gavin LOVES PHONES! He must take after his mother - loves to communicate. Well if I clearly state that I am going to be talking on the phone now Gavin you go play with your toys. He will leave me and the phone alone - but that is worse.
In leaving me alone he has found a new way to entertain himself - and it's not with his toys. This is the time when their imagination roams free. The book shelf becomes a mountain - at which he thinks he must climb. Outlets a chance to get mom's attention and a jump and run of me towards him. The kitchen cupboards - bowls now drums. DVD's seem to something fun to throw throughout the living room. Shoes and Clothes scattered all throughout the living room - drug out from his bedroom.
My 10 minute phone call has now caused me a 30 minute clean up session. And the sad thing is, I don't remember 7 minutes of my phone call as they were interrupted with - hold on I got to get Gavin, hold on Olivia is fussing, and be right back I have to stop Gavin he is trying to climb.
I have come to realize that the phone call should just turn into - the email.