I don't know what it is about a hair cut - but apparently it scares my son to death. I feel like I have tried everything. We started by bringing him to a professional beauty salon, and well that took a turn for the worst. He was just seventeen months old at the time, and thought of a stranger coming towards him with a sharp object, well it was just horrifying.
We changed pace and had him sit on my lap while she had tried to cut his hair, and we barely got the bottom trimmed up - and we certainly never even touched above the ears.
Following that visit my husband told me I was crazy to pay for something like that and that I should just buzz Gavin's head like I do his. This is not the exact look I was going for - and I didn't want my son to look like a clown. But we gave it a shot. it was the beginning of summer, whats the worst that could happen. Well - it was short, and definitely a hack job. but we got it done... he sat on Kevin's lap and we had hair EVERYWHERE.... we would do a little of Kevin's head and then a little of Gavin's back and forth.
The following time, we tried the sucker - someone had mentioned giving him a sucker to help him sit.... ugh.. that was the wrong idea with my son at the time, the sucker was in and out of his mouth a hundred times within the first five minutes it was covered in hair and he was bawling. This haircut did not go well either.
Next I held him and just buzz cut as much as I could. He screamed bloody murder, this was by far the worst hair cut I have ever given/experienced. And I am surprised the cops where not called on me by the neighbors... he screamed and screamed how badly it hurt and how his 'hair' was crying and mommy mean - the whole works... by the end he was close to hyperventilating and I was crying and Olivia had gotten worked up and was crying as well...
I swore I would NEVER cut his hair again. and that was just the end of that, he can have long hair, some boys do... and they are cute. we will just have to wait till he is old enough to understand a little better what is going on.
Well it has been about three months since the last instance, and well Kevin wanted a hair cut last night. I got out all the clippers and stuff and we put Olivia in the swing and Gavin watched form afar what was going on. Kevin asked him if he wanted his hair cut and he immediately cried "NO" - screamed really. After Kevin's hair was complete he asked Gavin if he wanted to stand on the chair and eat a sucker and have his turn.
And to my surprise he agreed. We told him we were going to make him pretty - yes pretty - like daddy. And he was sold he stood there and let me cut it! :) AMAZING. He kept the sucker in his mouth, and squirmed a little when I went around the ears, but all in all - it went great! Following his hair cut, it was straight to the tub... but it was a success and we had finally done it and talked him into, the hair cut.