My Kids

My Kids
The real way to show love

Monday, January 24, 2011


For my little girl everything bring a smile and a giggle to her face. Just a simple glance from her brother can send her into a giggling frenzy. She is almost five months old but has got the biggest personality! She is so laid back and easy going. Happy with everything. 

Her favorite would have to be the excer-saucer right now, she will sit in there for an hour. She would probably stay in there longer if I would let her. She has the biggest blue eyes and she just stares at all the toys surrounding her. 

Laying on the floor (belly time) and watching her brother run around her and bring her toys... is another favorite of hers. But by all means I'd have to say her favorite past time is the bath. She loves to splash her hands and feet and wiggle her little toes. It's the funniest thing I can just watch those little toes as she smiles staring herself. I don't know what it is - the water, the warmth, the baby lotion massage to follow, or the individual attention that she loves the most. But princess "o" just loves bath time.

And as much as she loves bath time she can have a love greater than that by far. And that love is the love for cereal! No more than I walk in the door in the evening and she sees me she expects me to pick her up give her a big ole hug and then hold her for a bit, not long though.. just enough to please her mommy fix. Then she wants to be put right in her high chair... soon to follow she needs that spoon of cereal to be heading towards her mouth. It works out nicely because we are all literally eating at the same time then. As we all sit down for supper. But she sits there and gobbles it all down. After it's gone, she's fine with it. She is happy and content and can just sit in there and play with a toy as the rest of us finish our meal. I couldn't ask for a happier baby...

The love that they show is amazing... the love for mom, dad, brother and cereal.

the sucker

Potty training has turned into such the ordeal in my house, I don't know if it is like this for everyone but it can quickly turn into a 24-hour job. I didn't want it to be. So I decided to let my little man some independence the only thing I vowed to do was to bring him to the bathroom every time he told me he needed to go or if he was clearly holding himself. Other than that - underwear all the time when he is at home. 

Last weekend we worked on it while he was at home and by the end of the weekend he was accident free and on his way. All week last week every time he got home from the sitters my husband would put on his underwear and from then till bed he would tell us if he had to pee. It was working great, he was telling us he wanted to go and other than the sitters he was doing great. His treat was stickers... Christmas ones that Santa had given him along with a laminated Christmas tree that I made and Santa brought as well. So every time he went potty he could put a sticker on the Christmas tree... and it is a beautiful tree let me tell you! 

The tree is full now, and the stickers are gone, I have tried to resort to other stickers but now he persist that it's candy he wants. We used marshmallows (the colored ones) for a while and he was fooled and loved his 'candy' treats... however every time he goes to the babysitters it is as if we have not started the potty training at all. He has not peed on the potty there at all! Not even ONCE! How can he go from being completely potty trained at home, to nothing? and using his diaper? UGH... 

Then this weekend, he did great for us - all day Saturday and Sunday he was accident free... and requesting a dum dum sucker... or smarties... after completion of using the potty. So now I send him to the sitters today - pull ups and diapers included and can't help but wonder, will he use the potty today? Or am I the sucker and the dum dum for thinking he is potty trained. 

Suggestions are welcome, how do you get your child to pee for anyone but you? - signed the sucker.