My Kids

My Kids
The real way to show love

Friday, January 14, 2011

Vacation Day!

Although today is Friday, I was able to spend the majority of my day with my children. A wonderful vacation day, we didn't sleep in, but we accomplished a lot together. Seeing the world through their little eyes truly is amazing.

Today Gavin, my son, was in a peculiarly good mood, he new today was just for him. We played toys and the he peed on the potty for me all day! Wearing his little "choo choo train" underwear, which were really Thomas the Train.

Every time he would go on the potty he would run to our fridge and put a little sticker on the laminated tree from Santa. And then with out being told look up and say thank you Santa. I like stickers. What a little man. He has such a fun y understanding of it all.

He knows, in his mind if he goes pee he gets a sticker, from Santa. And a hug and high five from mom and dad. However every accident he looks straight at me and say, "mommy sad, cause Gavin was bad."

He knows I love him, just disappointed, and as a two year old he wants to verbalize everything. And I mean everything. He walked around our place today sharing his every move through words. He amazes me with his vocabulary and understanding. He is twenty six months old, okay so two. But with his personality and olivia's smile I had the best vacation day!

This evening the fun continued, as Gavin broke the pantry door, road his bike through the kitchen and played with our counter top convection oven. Following all that fun was bath time, and tonight he decided that he was taking his bath until he was cold. Which means, he intended to stay in there until the water turned cold. Kids?!? Anyone up for a cold bath? Not me!

Finally after bath we had some serious cuddle time which was followed by, I have to pee!

Oh the sound of that was music to my ears, he had never really told me before, it was always I asking him, and him saying no, and then I sitting him on the toilet anyways. This was a step, a big step, in the right direction. At this moment I didn't realize how big of a moment it would be. He decided that this time he would not sit, but he was standing. He says he is a big boy like daddy. Ha, we'll see about that.

I figured this moment to be a disaster and probably be followed by another bath. However my little man succeeded in his mission and a smile of pride was worn by him for at least the next fifteen minutes - and probably me too!

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